No, HPV is carried equally by men and women.
Men need to take the HPV vaccine just as females do.
No. There is no over-the-counter HPV treatment for either men or women.
HPV does not start with just women, men carry it too. The concern is that some types of HPV cause cervical cancer.
No, more straight people get HPV than gay people.
HPV is passed on through genital contact-most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex. Since HPV usually causes no symptoms, most men and women can get HPV-and pass it on-without realizing it. People can have HPV even if years have passed since they had sex. Even men with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV.
Yes women with HPV give men genital warts.
HPV is passed on through genital contact-most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex. Since HPV usually causes no symptoms, most men and women can get HPV-and pass it on-without realizing it. People can have HPV even if years have passed since they had sex. Even men with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV.
HPV is the abbreviation for Human Papillomovirus. Some HPV types can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer among women, penile cancer among men, and anal and some oropharyngeal cancers among both men and women. Other HPV types can cause genital warts among both sexes.
Yes. Anybody, including men, can get Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. In women, HPV can increase your chance of cervical cancer or genital warts. The HPV vaccine "Gardasil" is highly recommended for all young women, and it may not be a bad idea for all men as well. After all, men can be carriers of HPV, and the last thing any man would want to do is to give HPV to his wife or lover.
Genital HPV is the most common viral STD. Occurs in both men and women. There are > 40 HPV types that effect the genital area of males and females. Hpv types can also infect the mouth and throat through oral sex. Since Genital HPV is a viral STD it can not be cured.