There is no particular record about that thing. Males believe that females cheat more. Females believe that males cheat more. Therefore, it is totally dependent.
They're not. Studies have shown that women are just as likely to cheat on men as men are on women, they each have their own reasons though. Men usually do it just for physical gratification and women do it for emotional reasons like lack of attention or abuse. Also, most cases that are publically known are cases where men cheat on women.
A variable that shows serious departure from the classic bell-shaped, or "Gaussian", curve is described as being not normally distributed. This departure could take the form of skew and/or kurtosis and/or multi modality.An example might be weekly wages. If you drew a histogram of a population's earnings you would most likely see a distribution skewed significantly toward the right. That is, toward the higher incomes.Another example is height. If you drew a histogram of a population's height you would see a bimodal distribution. One peak for males and another peak for females. The distribution of height for males and females might be normal when looked at individually, but not normal when you combine them.
May is the most likely.
likely and unlikely
The most likely number to be rolled in craps is the number 7
most likely males
Sunbed use is more common among females than males. Research studies have shown that females are more likely to use sunbeds in pursuit of a tan compared to males.
Both males and feamles can get anorexia but it is most common in females .
most silverbacks are males
SLE can occur in both males and females of all ages, but 90% of patients are women.
more males than females are diagnosed with hiv/aids
No, females do most of the hunting.
surveys show that women are now cheating more.
A female with less than a high school education is most likely to earn a low wage.
Kerala 16369955 females 15468664 males