No, people are born gay and so do not choose to be gay. It would be gay to choose to be gay.
Some straights would certainly say "No Way!", However, within the gay community there are some hanger-ons who apparently want the status of being gay, but have never actually participated in any form of gay sex. They seem to think that it is.
For the rest of us, being gay is just who we are and it has nothing to do with being cool or not being cool, it has no definition in such a context.
lesbians and gays and more yes and furry hangout that is the best
Actually, there's research that lesbians have a preference for other lesbians.
The amount of white and black lesbians are quite similar. In America there are more black lesbians however in England there are more white lesbians.
Of course netball is for lesbians.
No, they do not.
No lesbians are the best
your lesbians
Hot lesbians.
Lesbians are individuals who are romantically and sexually attracted to other women. It's important to treat them with respect and support their relationships just as you would any other. It's also important to recognize that the LGBTQ+ community, including lesbians, face discrimination and it's essential to be an ally in promoting equality and acceptance.
Lesbians love me
If the lesbians want to date you yes ;)