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Yes but teacup yorkies are cuterr

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Q: Are kittys cute
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What other cute kittys?

stupid go look

Who are the best cats in the world?

the best cats in the world are angel and smokey of cause they are super cute and are ragdolls. we love you kittys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rock on dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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in the yearly time

When is hello kittys anniversy?

November 1st

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Who likes kittys?

I like them, but I don't love them! (dogs are better, that's why I only LIKE them!)Crazeh person ^^ D:I love kitties. So cute

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Kittys -Meow-

What is a doggy that hates kittys but love birdys?

garfeild b1ch!