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Of course! Guys just happen to be better at hiding their emotions than girls in most situations. Guys worry about their clothes, hair and smell all the time, especially when they wish a pretty girl will ask them out.

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Q: Are guys self conscious
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What do you self-conscious guys do for swimming In PE?

Most will wear a t shirt to cover up.

Is self conscious a hyphenated?

Yes, "self conscious" should be written "self-conscious".

Self-conscious or self conscious?

"Self-conscious" is the correct term, as it describes feeling awkward or embarrassed about oneself in social situations. "Self conscious" is a common spelling error that combines the two words into one.

How do you spell selfcountions?

The correct spelling is "self-conscious."

How do you spell self consious?

The correct spelling is "self-conscious."

Why do guys email versus asking a girl out?

Because some guys are shy and can express themselves through email (don't have to feel self conscious.) Just ask him out yourself if you are interested in him.

Is self conscious one word?

'Self Conscious' is usually referred to as two different words.

Are babies self conscious about their smell?

no. babies have no sense of being self conscious when they are younger. they may smell it but they have yet to learn that it is something to be self conscious about. that comes at a later stage in life.

Is it self causous or self conshence?

I think self- conscious.

Is self conscius a hyphenated?

Yes, "self-conscious".

Do you have a self at birth?

You don't have a self that is conscious or developed.

Is self contious hyphenated?

"self-conscious" is hyphenated, yes.