They are bad people use guns to kill its not helping us one bit except making our population go DOWN.
Neither. Guns are amoral, inanimate lumps of metal and plastic. Some people use guns when they do bad things, but that does not means guns are bad. People were doing bad things to one another LONG before guns existed.
Guns are tools. Tools are neither good or bad. The behavior of the PERSON using the tool is what is good or bad.
Kids with guns is a very bad thing. Kids could do crazy and harmful things with guns.
Actually, guns are neither good nor bad. They are simply a bit of machinery. They can be used for good or bad reasons, to do good or bad things. By good or bad PEOPLE.
Many people consider guns bad because you can very easily kill or seriously injure people with them. This fact has led to the opinion that guns are inherently evil.
Guns are a non-living machinel They are neither good nor bad. They can be USED for both good and bad.
Guns (including airsoft guns) are neither good nor bad. They are inanimate objects, and cannot act on their own. Like matches, knives, pens and computers, they can be USED to do good or bad things.
All of them, but, DON'T DO IT!answ2 spear guns work in their environment.
puma guns are bad. dont buy them. anything but a puma gun. puma guns can eat dirt.
Elmer's glue is not bad for the environment.