While no type of clothing is guaranteed to be made in a factory that is safe and fair to employees, fake clothing is much more likely to be manufactured in sweatshops. This is because there is no public to answer to for the conditions.
Fake clothes are typically produced in unauthorized factories or sweatshops, often using lower quality materials and labor practices compared to authentic brands. These factories may operate in different locations to avoid detection and legal repercussions. Authentic brand-name clothing is produced in authorized factories with stricter quality control measures in place.
The drum on a washing machine is the part of the machine where you place your clothes to be washed. It rotates during the wash cycle to agitate the clothes and help remove dirt and stains. The drum is typically made of stainless steel or porcelain enamel.
Most clothes are made out of natural fibers like cotton, wool, silk, and linen, as well as synthetic fibers like polyester, nylon, and spandex. Additionally, some clothes are made from blends of natural and synthetic fibers for added durability and flexibility.
Clothes buttons can be made out of a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, wood, shell, or fabric-covered materials like leather or cloth. The choice of material can depend on the desired aesthetic, durability, and functionality of the button.
Most clothes are made from natural fibers like cotton, wool, and silk, as well as synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon. These fibers are woven or knitted together to create fabrics that are then cut and sewn into garments.
cloth can be made from alot of different things, but its usually made from wool, or cotton.
in a factory.
It is simply a place where utensils are made shipped and processed. We use things like pillows. those are made from a factory. almost everything we use comes from a factory!
Synthetic fibres are made in a huge factory within that factory a rows of machines which are designed to spin the strands into clothes abit like natural fibres but are made in a factory and is spun with worse material. Or am i wrong improve me if im wrong
In the Pac-Sun factory.... My friend works there.....
A factory is where things are made.
A place in which soap are made.
a factory is a place where sort of things are made.
no they just made tht app it is fake XX
Ice cream factory?
CPU manufacturing factory
It's fake