Yeah It is the same drug, My Doctor said Metermine is just another name that they use for the brand, It's the exact same drug.
Metermine and Duromine are both brand names for the same active ingredient, phentermine. They work in a similar way by suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. However, the specific formulation and dosage of each medication may vary, so it is important to follow your doctor's guidance for which one to use and the appropriate dosage.
Once Daily in the morning. Need to take a break after 3 months use to reduce dependence.
No, a drug can not have new drug application and an abbreviated drug application number can be NOT the same. Source: Experience.
yes, same drug basically
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For many drugs, a person's body forms a tolerance to a regularly abused drug which means higher doses of the same drug are needed to produce the same effects.
yes, it is the same
it is the same, LORCET is a brand name. the drug your talking about is a version of VICODAN.. same stuff..
Both for depression but not the same
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No, they are the same drug. Both of them are hydrocodone, so you are taking the same drug, just a different name.