This is normal, ovulation takes place up to 2 weeks prior to you having your period.
Hello, Yes it could be a sign of pregnancy.
YES! I had awful stomach cramps, I was very worried and then i found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I am now 26 weeks pregnant and STILL conctipated so both are sure signs of pregnancy
Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant
They are not signs of pregnancy, but you may be pregnant and have them.
No. This is normal and you may feel little pains or cramps every month around the time of ovulation. The main sign of pregnancy is a lack of a period.
i have no idea maybe no,because cramps are for menstruation only.
Cramps and spottings are possibly a sign of pregnancy, but much more likely a sign that your jus getting your period.(:
Bad pain or stomach cramps are not a common sign of pregnancy but can happen. This can be caused by a fallopian cyst or by a tubal pregnancy so it should be evaluated by your medical provider.
White discharge is normal throughout pregnancy.
No its a sign of early miscarriage get checked sweetie