There are other methods that are more reliable WRT pregnancy.
But condoms are the best protection against STDs.
condoms because they provide protection against sexually transmissible infection. For extra protection you can use both.
While condoms are the most effective method of protection against sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies, in a pinch, you can use dental dams, female condoms, or even plastic wrap as a substitute. However, these alternatives are not as effective as condoms for preventing STIs. It is recommended to always use a condom for the best protection.
Apart from abstention they are the best protection against STDs. There are other alternatives for contraception such as spermicidal gels, IUDs, oral pills, sterilisation etc.
When she doesn't have sex. Other than that there is no guarantee. Double protection, that is condoms and the pill is the next best way to avoid pregnancy.
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to use protection example:gloves,condoms etc.
If you ejaculate in a rubber can you get a girl pregnant