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Under the new tobacco bill passed this October its looking this way. It is likely that clove cigarettes will no longer be called cigarettes although they will basically be the same thing.

The bill also changes titles that are 'misleading' such as "lights".
The bill says a list of ingredients must be included as well.
There is alot in the bill.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Actually, no. They are sold legally in the state of VA as well as DC. They are not sold in MD. You can purchase them at tobacco specialty shops in VA. This is supposed to end however this month due to a new law being passed concerning tobacco products. I am unaware of the details, but am told that this will affect the sale of clove cigarettes to consumers.

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15y ago

No. Apparently only Maryland, Utah and New Mexico have them listed as illegal.

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15y ago

No, I bought some Dhjarm Specials in a shop in downtown Asheville. Try liquor stores or even "head shops".

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15y ago

they are fully illegal all over the states now, if you bought them before the date made illegal and maintain the receipt you are fine but if not then, you could be fined.

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16y ago

no. i just purchased some yesterday!

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Q: Are clove cigarettes illegal in the state of Virginia?
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