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no they are not evil for christians in my opion

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Q: Are chimes evil for Christians
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Why were wind chimes used in Ancient Rome?

In Ancient Rome, wind chimes were used in gardens and porticoes to ward off evil spirits. Wind Chimes are made out of tubes, bells, rods and other materials and make noise when the wind blows through them.

How do Christians respond to evil?

the christan has a evil man locked and he responds

Are wind chimes evil?

The more interesting question is why you would think they might be. I suspect it's because you've been told they are by someone in authority in your (or another) church. The simple answer is no. Wind chimes may be used in spiritual or religious practices that aren't christian, and therefore to the closed mind must be inherently evil. Hogwash. Gothic European cathedrals and modern American Protestant churches often have bells, and bells were used as wind chimes as early as 1100 BC in China, where the Chinese developed the casting of bells. By the same reasoning -- if it ain't christian/European/white culture, it's of the devil -- then the steeple bells down at First Baptist on the corner of Church and Main Street, Anywhere, America, are also of the devil. The belief that wind chimes are evil shows two things: 1) bigotry against anything outside the christian/European/white tradition, and 2) the ability of those who are both power-hungry and corrupt to control others through fear. Please note: I do not believe all christians and pastors are power-hungry and corrupt, simply that there is an alarmingly large number of them who are.Anything may be used with an evil purpose. If the use of something for an evil purpose demands that good christians eschew the use of it completely, why are you on the Internet? Cars can be used for evil; do you drive one? Cameras can be used for evil; do you own one? TVs can be used for evil; do you watch one? ANYTHING can be used for evil; you are living in a world made of things, therefore (by that reasoning) everything you do is tainted with evil, even praying and worshiping your god, since other religions also pray and worship their gods. Don't fall prey to narrow-minded and controlling ideas. Think.

In the war between Christians and Satanists will God protect the Christians from the evil in the world?

A:If God is all-powerful and all-good, it is a necessary assumption that he will protect Christians from evil. It is also a necessary assumption that there can be no war between good and evil, because God would always win - in a mere instant. The one thing God can not do, without removing free will, is prevent the Christians themselves from committing evil.

What did early Christians view as the fruit of evil?


Why is resorretion important to christians?

The resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians because Christians see it as the resurrection that will (hopefully) one day be theirs and because it shows that Jesus did not surrender to death. The resurrection is seen by Christians as Jesus's victory over evil; evil had tried to kill Jesus, but he came back from the dead.

What is the origin of wind chimes?

Wind chimes have been used in various cultures for thousands of years, with origins in ancient Rome, China, and Japan. Initially, wind chimes were used for spiritual purposes to ward off evil spirits and attract positive energy. Today, they are also used for decorative and musical purposes in gardens and homes.

Is Pokemon really evil to Christians?

No. This is a joke of a question. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Pokemon, especially nothing involving Christians.

What kind of Chimes are there?

All kind of chimes .

When was The Chimes created?

The Chimes was created in 1844.

Next 4 numbers in this series 12 1 1 1 2 1 3?

The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.

Does Woodstock chimes sell high quality wind chimes?

Woodstock Chimes does sell high quality wind chimes. They are the original musically-tuned chimes known worldwide for their high-quality and superior sound.