The same as regular cigarettes, but worse. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), clove cigarettes produce at least twice as much nicotine, tar, & carbon monoxide as regular American cigarettes brands.
Filtered cigars have many of the same additives as cigarettes. Even so, if you do not inhale the ill health effects are diminished.
All of them are bad. There is no "good" cigarette. Even "light" brands as you end up inhaling more and deeper to get the same level of nicotine.
Dental work tends to be cheaper outside the US, just like health care is. This is due to the fact that the economy is worse in other countries.
Yes, somtimes the brands differ. Example:Franklin makes smaller balls than Rawlings.(and worse Imight ad to!)
Cigarettes are worse because it can kill you and make you have cancer.
I can breath better while smoking the E-Cigs
Marijuana is harder on your lungs, but given time, you can get lung cancer from both. Cigarettes are legal, Marijuana is usually not. From a health perspective Cigarettes have more known and proven health concerns than Marijuana.
No, they are equal to smoking for health dangers, if not worse. All have been associated with increased risk of mouth, gum, and throat cancer.
Is Newport more likely to give you cancer then Marlboro.
Any amount of smoking is harmful to your health. Ten cigarettes a day is most likely not as harmful as smoking, say, a pack a day. But it's still FAR worse than not smoking at all. Furthermore, since there have been few studies when it comes to light smoking, it is difficult to say how the dangers of smoking, say, 10 cigarettes a day compares to smoking a pack a day.