Yes, blood thinners can sometimes affect the menstrual cycle by causing changes in bleeding patterns, such as heavier or lighter flow. It is important to discuss any menstrual changes with your healthcare provider if you are taking blood thinners.
Any one over 18 can get a tattoo. As long a your healthy enough to get a tattoo. You also shouldn't be on any blood thinners or pain medication, or have any risks of having a heart attack.
Yes. Answer There is no reason that taking amoxicillin would prevent you from taking any type of pain killers. However, you may have sensitivities to the pain killers that are independent of Antibiotic use. I would advise speaking to the doctor who prescribed you the pain killers if you are concerned.
Yes, a blood clot in the spleen can cause intense pain. The spleen is highly vascular and any obstruction to blood flow due to a clot can result in symptoms like pain, tenderness, and potentially serious complications if left untreated. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect a blood clot in the spleen.
There may be some side effects of cold and pain killers taken for chest congestion. This may be liver damage or even death, in case of over dosage of pain killers.
Yes taking pain killers can hurt the baby any doctor will tell you that. You can only take pain medicine without acetimenophen.
Symptoms of a blood clot in cats may include sudden weakness or paralysis in the hind legs, pain, and difficulty breathing. Treatment options may include blood thinners, pain management, and supportive care to address any complications. It is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
You can go into shock, or simply pass out if the pain is great enough.
Yes, you can take pain killers in body pain depending upon the condition of your body.If you are having a body pain from workout, then there is no need as the pain will go as soon as your muscles and tissues receovers.If there is any other reason for body pain and the pain is severe, then you can take pain killer but only after the advice of an expert.If you want to buy pain killers online, then you can visit 3Meds and get your medicines delivered at your doorstep.
No I doubt any tattoo artist would tattoo someone on blood thinners. I have five tattoos and was on blood thinner during each one. I didn't have any excessive bleeding. That is my experience. The tattoo artist also knew. I asked her opinion before hand.
Root canan usually done by using pain killers. and there will not be any pain by doing that.
Narcotics for pain are in prescribed medications. They are a highly controlled substance and you cannot get any without a prescription and they are usually mixed with other pain killers and are called mixed-opiates.