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This is more of an ethical question than anything else, because it all depends on your definition of "wrong". One could say that using drugs is against the law therefore being wrong, but there are many legal prescription and non-prescription drugs that are worse for you and have worse side effects than some illegal drugs that are out there. Also, i personally believe that the use of illegal drugs isn't necessarily wrong. It depends on the drug and the circumstance. If a person uses drugs to escape their problems, this is abuse and is wrong, because it doesn't solve their problems and can lead to addiction. However, if a person uses drugs recreationally, i.e. smoking weed with friends, drink at a party, etc. i don't believe this is really "wrong". People have free will, and if a person wants to do these things, and they aren't harming other people, there is no reason they should not be able to. In fact, denying them this choice is taking away their free will, and this is what is truly "wrong".

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Q: Are all uses of drugs wrong?
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