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Contact your local game warden.

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Q: Are Youth allowed to use rifle in muzzleloader season?
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Can black powder be purchased in Idaho?

Uhh...yeah! Lots of it! All the black powder you would ever want! Not only that, if you have a muzzleloading rifle you have two hunting seasons open to you, the General season (open to any legal weapon - this is commonly called 'rifle season' but you can go out there with a muzzleloader, bow, shotgun or any other weapon large enough to reliably kill what you're hunting) and the Muzzleloader Only season.

Why did they make the repeating rifle?

To provide a rifle with more firepower than the traditional muzzleloader.

What is the value of a numrich 50 cal muzzleloader rifle?


How did the repaeting rifle start?

Someone figured it would be better if they had a rifle which could be quickly reloaded than a muzzleloader.

How do you disassemble a 45 cal Kentucky long percussion rifle muzzleloader?

You need the services of a gunsmith

What is a 1865 Winchester rifle worth?

What type of rifle are we talking here?I would also need to know if the rifle is a muzzleloader,lever action etc.Is there a model number on the rifle?Is the caliber known?Please fill in the blanks and then we can get you some answers.

What age can you buy a muzzleloader?

Well, you can buy a rifle/shotgun when your 18 but, a pistol when your 21... unless an adult buys one for you.

How much is your 1837 US Army muzzleloader rifle worth?

It can range from virtually nothing to musueum priceless. It's all in the details of EXACTLY what you have.

Did ruger make their 10-22 international as a youth rifle?


Is the 223 good for a youth deer rifle?

A 223 would be fine for a deer rifle but you need to make sure the (youth) person can hit the kill zone. I would suggest the 243.

Does a muzzleloader scare the deer away like a rifle?

The discharge of a muzzle-loader is loud, without question, but it's not significantly different than a contemporary rifle. If the bullet misses the deer, the sound will most likely scare it.

Does the braztech wizard rifle barrels fit braztech youth rifle receiver?

You will need a gunsmith to know for sure.