In general, diet pills claiming to help patients lose weight are a very ineffective and can be dangerous. The FDA released a warning for both Slenda Slim and many other diet pills because of some of the harmful ingredients it contains. Specifically, Slenda Slim contains a substance called sibutramine, which is known to cause an array of health problems including stroke, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, and an increased risk for coronary artery disease. Maintaining a proper weight is never effective on a quick fad diet or a magic pill - it is a lifestyle.
How can I purchase the slim ball diet pills
P12 per pill :)
The price of Slenda capsules can vary depending on the brand and the quantity in the packaging. It's best to check with local pharmacies or online retailers for specific pricing information.
Most birth control methods are very effective, but there is always a very slim chance of getting pregnant. For example, condoms can break, and the pills effectiveness can be lowered when taking antibiotics.
If the pills are dry and unharmed, they should still be effective. Check in with the pharmacist for another opinion.
So many thing to do for becoming slim. You can reduce your weight by excersize, slimming tea or fitness equipment. But if you want do it in a easiest way, you can try some slimming pills
No, but they are excellent at emptying your wallet.
Birth control pills are quite effective.