

Best Answer

NO. You need to use a bow to get the most meat out of it.

NO. You need to use a bow to get the most meat out of it.

YES. there are 500,000 deer hunters who would choose a shotgun over a bow

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Q: Are Shotguns Good for hunting deer?
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no but if its deer hunting season then yes

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Does shot guns have grooved barrels?

yes some of them come with grooved barrels,these are used for firing shotgun slugs for deer hunting and other sized medium game.other shotguns can have a barrel that was bought extra and can be swapped back and forth for either small game and deer hunting.

Where do you shoot the deer with a 12 gauge?

In my opinion, a lung shot will be the most reliable, whether you are hunting with buckshot or slugs. While this link is to a bow hunting site, it has a good illustration of the location of a deer's heart and lungs. Good hunting-http:/bowsitezperiodzcom/bowsite/features/articles/deer/heartorlungs

Which shotguns are most suitable for hunting?

A 10, 12, 16, 20 and 28 gauge shotgun is more often considered suitable and widely used for hunting. Another consideration would be what one is hunting such as birds, deer, fox, or squirrels. It is considered a personal preference in hunting.

What is best area in Texas for deer hunting?

North Sides Wild Area's is too Good for hunt A Deer!!!

Is the Colt M4 Commando a good rifle and is it a good deer hunting gun?

most enthusiasts will agree that the M4 is an excellent weapon. Hunters will not agree that the .223 caliber is good for deer hunting. the popular calibers for deer will be 30-06, .243 winchester, 30-30, and .308 winchester.

Is deer hunting banned in the UK?

Deer hunting was banned in 2004 because the deer were going to be extinct.

Can you kill a deer using buck shot?

Well it depends where you are sometimes you have to have a license and sometimes you don't it depends

What 12 ga shell is good for hunting deer?

Only a slug shell

When did people decide deer hunting was a good idea?

When the Indians did it for a source of food.

What are some good hunting business names?

Big Buck'sThe Deer Den