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Q: Are Ryan McCray and Sarah Fincher dating?
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Related questions

How old are Ryan mccray and Sarah fincher?

Ryan McCray and Sarah Fincher are 16 years old

What are all the chatacters in skeleton creek?

Sarah Fincher ,Ryan McCray ,Henry (Ryans uncle) ,Mr. and Mrs McCray , Mrs.Fincher , Old Joe Bush (Dead) , Daryl Bonner

Who is Ryan McCray?

Ryan McCray is the main character along with Sarah Fincher in two books called skeleton creek ghost in the machine and crossbones. These books are awesome. I have read both books in two days and I was amazed to find out that these stories are true stories. i am investigating there journey and will soon find Ryan mccray :)

Is Ryan McCray and Sarah Fincher still alive in 2009?

They are still alive because I reserved a copy, read the book, and went to find them. When I found them they were half starved and needed warmth. I walked them to their houses and that's that. - Curtis

Where does Sarah fincher live?

I went to Google and put where is Sarah fincher and Ryan mcray and it said on Washington but i don,t know if that is true

Who is the protagonist of Skeleton Creek?

Skeleton Creek is about a boy named Ryan and a girl named Sarah who try to discover the past of Skeleton Creek and why it is called that. There is a catch - they can't see each other. Sarah sends Ryan videos and Ryan writes every thing down.

Who plays Ryan mcCray in the book Skeleton Creek?

In the book "Skeleton Creek," Ryan McCray is a fictional character. The story is presented as a combination of journal entries by the character Ryan and video clips created by Sarah, his friend. The book is written by Patrick Carman.

Is Ryan Ross still dating Sara?

Ryan has never dated Sarah. Brendon is dating Sarah and yes, they're still together.

How did Sarah fincher die?

Sarah Fincher did die. She died when she was 16 years old. They say she was killed by a ghost. Her friend, Ryan is still alive. For more information go to with passwords. To get the passwords look them up on google then go to I hope this helped you!!

What did Ryan McCray find out about his dad Paul McCray?

that he likes men

Who is ryan's mom in Skeleton Creek?

In the book "Skeleton Creek" by Patrick Carman, Ryan McCray's mom is named Sarah McCray. She plays a supporting role in the story, providing emotional support to Ryan as he navigates the mysterious events happening in Skeleton Creek.

Is Ryan cooley and Sarah barrable- tishauer dating?

No ,they are just best friends.