I think if she is it's really her business. She is a wonderful women of God and deserve to be happy and I know Dr. Zach would want her to be...
Pastor Riva Tims is the ex-wife of the late Pastor Zachary Tims. Currently, Riva has been encouraging the congregation of New Destiny Christian to move forward after the untimely death of Pastor Zachary Tims on August 12, 2011. It is rumored that Riva Tims is being considered as Zachary Tims' replacement.
The accusations against Pastor Zachery Tims were about his adulterous affair(s). Most notably, Pastor Zachery Tims had an affair with a stripper named Judy Nguyen for over a year. He was still married to his wife Riva at the time. Since that time his wife has left the church and started her own ministry.
Yes, she is pastoring her own church in Orlando. Majestic Life Church I have been going there for three weeks now and it is awesome!
Yes he is married to Riva
Pastor Riva Tims is a sincere, true woman of God with her heart after God. Someone on this site wrote that Pastor Riva is "pulling a Paula White." What is that suppose to mean? Pastor Riva is continuing the ministry in which God has called her to. She ministered on T.V. and at the church in the same capacity. Pastor Riva has to answer to God for what she has been called to do. She can't stop because her husband decided to go in a different direction. To the person who asked that question..."When you stand before the Living God..the ONLY True and Living God..how will you answer for what you are doing on this earth with the life God has given YOU?" It is absolutely right husband and wives are one, but each one have to die for themselves and answer the to God alone! It does become an individual things. Pastor Riva just from watching her on tv seem to be a very smart person, a loving person, a kindhearted person, not conceited, she think of other then she does herself! I believe Pastor Riva believes in her marriage until death does us part. My questions to a lot of us when a man goes to other way seeking other ground and no longer has that love what will you do? The only problem I got with Dr. Tims and Pastor Riva is that they are both so young and very. very good-looking. Are they not suppose to remarriage while the both are still living? My prayers is definitely for the both of them, because I believe with all of my heart Dr. Z Tims made a Hugh, Hugh mistakes and loves his wife and children! I believe Pastor Riva loves her husband, but she can not give up her christian way of life for her husband! She has to be true to herself as well as true to God who will see them both through!
Yes, he admitted to "being out of order". There is much rumor, but it is true that he had an affair. The message board listed in the Related Links has lots of discussion about it. Unfortunately, whether people believe he did or not doesn't change the fact that he did, with multiple women for an extended period of time before being caught. Very disappointing but true.
yes.she does.
Pastor Zachery Tims had a year long relationship with a stripper named Judy Nguyen.
it was finalized aug 20 2009 according to the wall street journal
Judy is a stripper that Pastor Zachery Tims was having a adulterous relationship with for 1 year. He met her at a strip club in Paris.