If used correctly, couples that rely on male condoms alone have a 85% Success rate. Meaning 15/100 couples who use male condoms only will have an accidental baby. Female condoms are a little less unreliable with a 79% Success Rate. 21/100 couples will have a unintentional pregnancy. The "reliability" figures used for contraceptive methods refer to pregnancies in a year - 85% reliability means that in one year, 15% of women who use the specified method will get pregnant.
The only 100% effective way of preventing pregnancy is to avoid having sexual intercourse. No alternate form of birth control is completely reliable.
most contraception if used properly is 93-99.9 percent effective against pregnancy. condoms are best for protecting against both pregnancy and disease.
The birth control pill, if used correctly, has over a 98% chance of preventing pregnancy. Other methods with high efficacy in preventing pregnancy include the Depo-Provera injection as well as birth control implants and IUDs. However, the most effective form of birth control is abstinence.
60 percent of all motorcyle related deaths could be prevented by using sufficient headgear
You don't have to but it will be beneficial to. Only because there is still a percent uncounted for as for the accuracy of mirena. Just to be safe use condomx to reduce the chance of pregnancy
No; in some cases, such as HIV/AIDS, you may not even be aware you have the disease. That's why people should be tested if they have had unprotected sex (and even such protection as condoms is not 100 percent effective).
Abstinence, blood analysis of a transfusion, check if its a new needle if your getting a vaccine. note: Condoms are only 93% effective. (Read the Label)
unfortunatly, abstinence is the only way to be 100 percent safe, but what else is almost just as good? being 98 percent pertected and just using a condom. :) and to add to it u can take birth control unfortunatly, abstinence is the only way to be 100 percent safe, but what else is almost just as good? being 98 percent pertected and just using a condom. :) and to add to it u can take birth control
About twenty five percent of the male condoms are usually purchased by women. This is one of the most use contraceptive in the world.
Yes, these kits have failed before and that is why they state they are 99 percent effective. All medical tests like this have a fail rate.
-never have to worry about unplanned pregnancy. sexual abstinence is the only mmethos that is 100 percent affective in preventing pregnancy - will not ba faced with the difficult desicions associated with unlanned pregnancy, such as being single parent. -will not have to take on the many responsibilities of caring a child.