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Q: Are Asian girls more horny than white girls?
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Are white girls tighter than asians?

No, I'd say white girls spend more freely than Asian girls.

Why are white guys attracted to Asian girls and vice-versa?

White guys consider Asian girls to be more feminine than white girls or black girls. They are small and cute and keep their figures well. Supposedly they are subservient to the male in their culture. This is appealing to a guy in many ways. Asian girls consider white guys to be more masculine than Asian guys. They are bigger and can protect them better. They are more confident and appear to be better mates for breeding purposes. This is just basic biology and instinct.

Do Asians find white girls attractive?

Only if using ecstasy and at a rave. Must have both, otherwise no, go cry. YES, VERY MUCH SO. It obviously depends on the Asian (Indians are technically Asian). It is true that in some Asian cultures the physical features (cheek bone structure, height, nose structure, orbital bone structure) of Caucasians are deemed unattractive; and white skin, to some, seems incredibly foreign (weird) as they are not used to seeing white people often. However, most Asians I've spoken with LOVE white girls and say that those that don't would if they were around white girls more. Ironically, it is an apparent myth that white men who do not find Asian women attractive and then live in an Asian community/country for over 4 months develop a strong sexual attraction to Asian girls.

Do girls like horny guys?

It depends on the individual. Some women may be comfortable with a partner who expresses their desires openly, while others may prefer a more subtle approach. It's important to communicate and respect boundaries in any relationship.

Why are Asian girls hairy?

They are no more hairy than girls from anywhere else, but they tend to grow their hair long in many Asian countries.

Why do Asian girls like white guys?

because they think we are sexy << not just because they think your sexy. they don't really have a reason to LIKE someone. Its just like an Asian girl liking an Asian guy, and a white girl liking a white guy. I believe anyone can like anyone and not have to look at their ethnicity to decide who they like. I'm asian and the only thing I look for in a guy is if they like me for who I am, and I don't need to change to impress him. I don't take into account if he is white, asian, etc. I would like a guy for who he is.

How gets married more white girls black guys black girls white guys?

White girls

Do Asian guys like white girls?

Yes they do. Asian guys are like any other guys, some are assertive, some are shy, some are poor, some are educated, uneducated. Race will play a role, but there are other issues like perception, financial security, looks, dress, height. Trust me, there are plenty, but it's not about Asian guys particularly looking for white girls, ignoring others and forgetting about their life. ----- I'm an Asian guy and at I say that it depends on the person you are on the inside, not on the out. Who cares what race you are, just like the person that you like. By the way - I like a blonde girl. hey...well i think that white girls and Asian girls are about the depend on what type of girls the guys I don't think that it should yea... ok that's an easy one for me, i love white girls, maybe that's just because there are no pretty Asian girls in my eyes, oh idk, being azn growing up in a white community turned me white, but that wouldn't make sense cuz white guys like Asian girls, -sigh- this is getting kinda confusing.

How can somebody get more girls to date even though a person is not good looking?

You gotta use deoderant, get a total makeover, then get horny

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it depends because when i was born i was really white but my mom was tan

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Always more than White/Black/Asian People

Are people who are hairy more horny?

I doubt it I am not particularly hairy and have no problems getting horny.