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No, 80 fertilized eggs are not flushed away during mestruation. If an egg is actually fertilized by a sperm cell, it will embed itself and grow in the woman's uterus while developing into a baby. This is why a woman will not get her period if she is pregnant. The reason a woman experiences menstraution is because the egg her ovary released was not fertilized and the lining of her uterus (which would have been the "home" for the fertilized egg) is not needed. This lining (mostly blood) and the unfertilized egg are shed during menstruation.

Therefore, every "period" a woman has represents at least one unfertilized egg being discarded by the body. During a woman's life, she will have around 450 periods. However, a woman is born with up to 500,000 eggs, and the 450 periods she has represent only a fraction of her eggs that achieved maturity (meaning mature enough to be fertilized), a process controlled by hormones.


Actually the above answer is not true. It is completely possible for a woman's body to rinse out fertilized eggs via her period.

Ovulation occurs at the halfway point during a woman's menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, so average ovulation is day 14. Ovulation is when the body releases one egg to be fertilized. Since sperm can live in the cervix up to 5 days, it's possible for a woman to get pregnant when she isn't ovulating.

Once an egg is fertilized in the fallopian tubes, it has to travel to the uterus. It can take 5-10 days for this to happen. Because many women can start their periods while this process is taking place, and most due, it flushes the fertilized eggs out of the body onto sanitary napkins. Because it's impossible for scientists to determine how often this happens, it's estimated between 60 and 80 percent of fertilized eggs.

What stops the woman's period is the fertilized egg that has entered the uterus. That is when pregnancy officially begins


The second answer is more likely to be right because George Carlin uses that fact when he is debating about abortion.

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6mo ago

No, this is a common misconception. A woman typically releases one egg per menstrual cycle during ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, it is shed during menstruation along with the uterine lining. The vast majority of a woman's eggs are reabsorbed by the body and do not get released during her lifetime.

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Q: Are 80 of a woman's fertilized eggs flushed away during menstruation?
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Yes, although it is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation, a woman can get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation. Let me explain... During menstruation a woman will not ovulate, however if a womans menstrual cycle is short she may be producing fertile quality cervical mucus during menstruation. This mucus protects sperm in the vagina and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening to reach the fallopian tubes, where it can lay in weight for the egg during ovulation - sperm can survive up to a week in these conditions, by which time menstruation could stop and she could ovulate. If sexually active you should always use birth control, unless you use fertility awareness methods you have no way of knowing when a woman is fertile or not.

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Briefly outline the steps in a womans menstrual cycle?

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