Being poor is okay, not being first is okay, and not being in the spotlight is okay
There really important to you okay and that means that there really special to you okay
not really
no it is not okay... please tell me you dont really do that?
It's certainly okay. The question is, is that really what you want to do?
Yes it is okay. Love can be really crazy sometimes but, hey, that's the game.
Yes they have, but not really really long (okay)
at any age if your parents say it okay and its really okay as long as you arent in a room with him with the room locked then it okay
Of course not that's really bad.
Depends if it is natural or you have a problem with eating.
OK, but it is really spelled okay. The etymology of this has been fought about for years. Best guess is that it is from Swahili. Okay in Swahili means okay.
He was really related to him so he was not like okay but still okay . ioh