Jake is the 419th most popular male name. It is estimated that 0.025% of American males have that name. So Jake, has around 30625 males that have that name.
Jake is the 419th most popular male name. It is estimated that 0.025% of American males have that name. So Jake, has around 30625 males that have that name.
There are four people who go to nursery there names are Bella milo fizz and Jake
My name is Chloe Mae Crone and I love Jake Davis he is in the 7th grade I Chloe Crone is in the 5th grade
It is actually called "Ricard-Vanoux" but it is a made up name of a clock maker that was in an episode of the TV show Becker. The episode was Jake's Jaunt (2001).
From the author Greg Lies.
there is many people in the world with the name jake,the name harman is not so populer. There is a girl called Dani harma not harman. But i do think i there is one. he might even be a brony. like me. my little pony..... i i i i love you. EMAIL
Well if you are called Jake you may think so, but other people may hate the name.
Yes, Jake Halpern's Dormia has a sequel called World's End.
yes Jake should because Jake ruls
Yes Jake Gilliland is awesomest person in the whole eintire world he is also in a band called the unicorn ninjas with his two best friends jack and Spencer
A 'jake" is a young male turkey of its first year.
There was no character called Jake or Jack in the 1994 movie. Jake was the blackbird Brooks owned
dont no never wach it!!
A young male turkey is called a jake and a young female is called a jenny.A group of wild turkeys is called a flock, a group of domesticated turkeys is commonlyreferred to as a rafter.
Jake Derbyshire is the friend of Dylan Kinna the world famous pie eater
It is Jake