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I want to delete a certain YouTube account. They're stealing people's videos and pretending to be other people. It pisses me off. Help me out? == I would contact Youtube with the details. Stealing someone's account credentials is probably illegal.

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What is the most kills on modern warfare 2?

You can get as many as you want. The leaderboards are clogged with hackers though, so you won't be getting on there any time soon.

Is there hacker paid A fee?

No. Hackers are usually notorious kids doing it for fun and not working for anyone.On rare occasions, some hackers do get hired by government agencies to help with certain crimes. These hackers would get paid.

Is there any good thing about hackers?

yes they steal your money

Are there any computer hackers in Puerto Rico?

I imagine there must be.

How do hackers get in your webcam?

They have special software for that which allows to connect to your computer and do what ever they want.

Who are hackers and what are they looking for?

They want rare items on websites and ur virtual money.

What software would collects data about us and sends it to the hackers?

please help me

Can a hacker hack anything if someone is online?

Yes the hacker can hack a lot of things.peoples account,video games,coins,gold,etcas if you know hackers are really smart especially those hackers who make their own program some hackers hack for good things. some hackers hacks for revenge wich is kind of good or bad. why does hackers hack video games?its because they want to buy stuff they REALLY want so they learn how to hack and make theyre own program to hack coins and then buy the stuff they love.

You want to join a site of hackers and crackers who are spies indeedtell you one?

You are going to get raped by women.

What does a hacker need to hack?

hackers hack everything that there is to hack, from facebook, to this webpage, hackers can hack anything they want to, it just takes time... so people that hack stuff have no life...

What do hackers want from your Facebook account?

they do not want anything... but they just playing your account.. my experience is how many times my facebook is hacked... but they do not want anything but to play my account...

About white and black hackers?

White hat Hackers are good and Black hat hackers are bad.