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Here is a link to a site that compares the alchohol content of beers. It appears that most "normal" beers are in the 5% alcohol range -- O'Douls is about 0.4% alcohol. So, you would have to drink about a dozen O'Douls to equal a single normal beer.

Because Recovering Alcoholics can trigger a physical compulsion to drink more (go on a binge) if they introduce any amount of alcohol into their body, it is advisable for a recovering Alcoholic to stay away from this type of beverage for physical and mental considerations. Even small amounts are enough to begin this process.

Non-Alcoholic Beer is for Non-Alcoholics.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

"less than 0.5 % alcohol by volume" i.e., could be none.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The ABV value of O'Douls beer is less than 0.5%

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βˆ™ 12y ago

0.4 %

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Q: Any Alcohol content in O'Douls beer?
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No, there are not because moonshine is illegal to produce. It is legal to brew your own beer and wine in America. But your not guilty of breaking any federal laws until you distill the moonshine, thereby separating the alcohol from water and yielding a really high alcohol content.

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What is the alcohol content of beer in kansas?

Most Anheuser-Busch products run between 4.2 and 5% depending on brand. You can get many of the beers from Europe, Asia, Mexico etc. where the alcohol content varies depending on the brand> Some may be as high as 9% but most run in the 4 to 6% range. Check out

What is the alcohol content of beer in Colorado?

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