

Best Answer
i think that it is solysis or something like that lol

haha! way to sike them out!!! Like there gonna believe that, its not even a word!!! lol :)

jk its seriously passive though k good luck with that try 2 put that in chels!

haha! I already had it!!! hehehe~! i am just AMAZING like that!!!!

im done i just need 2 across lol cant find that anywhere

okee dokee! well gtg byeeee :)

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Q: Another name for second hand or environmental tobacco smoke?
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What is called small smoke?

Sidestream smoke is the smoke coming from a burning tobacco product and is the main component of Second-hand smoke, also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke or passive smoking. It has been classified as a Class A carcinogen by the US Environmental Protection Agency.Side-stream smokesidestream smoke

The combination of sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke is?

environmental tobacco smoke

What is the most abundant gas in environmental tobacco smoke?

carbon monoxide

What are the two types of tobacco smoke?

first hand smoke and second hand smoke

What has the author M R Guerin written?

M. R. Guerin has written: 'The chemistry of environmental tobacco smoke' -- subject(s): Tobacco smoke pollution

Which childhood disorder is most closely linked to environmental tobacco smoke?


What are the types of smoking tobacco?

first hand smoke and second hand smoke

What is the smoke from the end of a tobacco product?

side stream smoke-smoke coming from the burning tip of a cigarette Mainstream smoke-smoke that comes from the smokers lungs CHEMICALS

What is secondhand smoke?

second-hand smoke is where you breathe in smoke so its like smoking a second time.

Is tobacco smoke worse than wood smoke?

Wood smoke is much worse than tobacco second hand smoke. Wood smoke contains more than twelve times as many carcinogenic compounds, and is chemically active up to forty times longer in the lungs than tobacco.

What is another name for second hand smoke?

Another name for second hand smoke is passive smoke.

What are the effects of environmental smoke?

all the animals are getting stoned off second hand smoke