you can just get a crack for anno 1404 and u dont need a serial key anymore just google : anno 1404 crack this online store is good.and it always sells the best-seller.but it doesn't mean can try it.have a good time.
Yes the first few missions take you slowly through the tech tree.
Usually, it is the year (Anno #) it was made.
Mitsumasa Anno has written: 'Anno's alphabet'
Moyoco Anno's birth name is Moyoko Anno.
all Hofner folks. Anno is short for Anno Domini (AD) and basically means "year" so the number written in the box following anno is the year the guitar was made - The "A" or inverted "V" everyone refers to is the way europeans write "1s" (ones) so an A972 would be a guitar made in the year 1972.
i was given acremona cello serial#81150, model fecta/anno/domini 20. does anyone know the value?
"FELICE ANNO NUOVO" ..... greatings from italy!
Anno Domini Anno Domini
Anno uno was created in 1974.
Quadragesimo Anno was created in 1931.