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An object will have a positive electric charge whenever it has a deficiency in electrons. Otherwise, an excess of electrons will cause it to be negative.

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Q: An object has a positive electric charge whenever?
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Is an object that has no electric charge as a whole is negative or positive?

No. It is neutral.

A negatively charged object is placed within a positive electric field. what happens to the object?

Electric Field between positive and negative charges. If the Electric Field in which both the positive and negative charges are present is stronger than the Electric Field between the two charges we are talking about, the the negative charge will move away from the positive charge in that positive direction of the field. If not, then the negative charge will get attracted to the positive charge and stay at the position of the positive charge. It will be pulled toward the source of the electric field. (Novanet)

What happens to an object with a positive charge and an object with a positive charge?

They attract.

When an object loses electrons it acquires an electric charge of?

It does not acquire any charge, it looses negative charge (the electrons), so becomes net positive.

What does it mean when an object has a positive charge?

When an object has a positive charge, it has a deficiency of electrons.

How is discharging in a positive object different in a negative object?

The direction of the flow of electric current. In a positive object, electrons flow to it because it has an abscence of negative charge (aka electrons). In a negative object, it has an abundance of negative charge (electrons) so electrons flow away from it.

How can an object have a neutral charge if part of the object has a positive and a negative charge?

If the positive and negative charges are equal, then the object has a 'net' neutral charge.

What is the build-up of electric charge on an object?

Static charge is the buildup of electric charges on an object. This is a Biology question.

What object has charge if it has positive charge?

That would apply to any object.

What is an excess of an electric charge on an object?

Static Charge

What does a positive charge object have?

It has had electrons removed giving it it's positive charge.

Does a positive charge object attrac a positive charge object?

No, because same charged objects repel each other.