An influence can be both positive and negative. Positive influences can lead to motivation, inspiration, and growth, while negative influences can result in discouragement, setbacks, and conflict. It is important to be mindful of the influences around us and their impact on our thoughts and actions.
will influence: I will influence the judges decision.going to influence: I am going to influence the judges influencing: He is influencing the judges decision by taking him to dinner tomorrow. (maybe not a good example sentence)
A negative influence or a corrupting influence.
Propaganda refers to information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view. It is designed to manipulate or influence people's beliefs, opinions, and actions.
considerable influence
Power and influence are related concepts but they are not the same. Power refers to the ability to make things happen while influence refers to the ability to affect the behavior or opinions of others. Power can be used to influence, but influence does not always require power.
positive or negative
OPEC decides to influence, by either increasing the exports or decreasing them.
The US has a little bit of influence on almost every country in the world, either culturally or economically.
You can be taken into custody for being under the influence of ANYTHING - it can be either protective or punitive.
Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.Mummification was not practiced by the Romans so it had little or no influence on Roman culture. The Romans either buried their dead or cremated them, depending on the fashion of the times.
Parental pressure is when parents either discipline or influence their children.
Yes. It can be. 'Influence' can be used as either a noun or a verb."I was able to influence the outcome of the game."Here influence is a verb because it contains the action of the sentence."I have influence in the group, because I am a senior member."Here influence is a noun because it is a thing. It does not contain the action, but is an item that 'I have.'
it helped to get public opinion.
our choices influence our identity because everything we do is based on our choices and whatever you pick either way its good or bad its on our ownself and choices
People's values influence their beliefs about social programs and taxation in that they either find it necessary to support the programs or oppose them
This is the age-old question of does life imitate art or art imitate life. There is no doubt that TV can have a profound influence on certain people, usually youngsters. It can be either a good or bad influence, or sometimes a little of both.
No, the media is not the most important influence on adolescent behaviour.In fact friends are the most important influence on adolescent behaviour.You can either chose to follow them, or not to.You can choose to do the good deed, or the bad.You can even choose what sort of friends you want to influence you.