An empty kcalorie food is one that contains: excess energy and little to no protein, vitamins, and minerals.
There are 7800 Kcalories in one Kg of fat so there are 7.8 Kcalories in one gram of fat. The answer is 7.8 Kcalories. Note: 1 Kcalorie = 1 Calorie (a food "Calorie" is 1,000 chemical "calories")
Nutrient dense food- is defined as the density of nutrients to kcalories. Nutrient dense foods provide more nutrients relative to kcalories.
An empty calorie food is one that has little or no nutritional value. Twinkies brand snack cakes, for example, are empty because they have much sugar and fat, but very little protein and no vitamins or minerals.
... and in the SI unit for energy, i.e., the Joule. Kilojoules
Although ice cream is very high in calories, it is still a dairy food which contains the same nutrients found in milk. So it is not entirely empty. Doubtlessly there are better food choices.
junk food contains preservatives, additives, and artificial ingredients. They are also high in sugar and/or fat.
Empty calories can exist in any food group. But usually they are found most commonly in dairy (high-fat), high-fat content meats, refined white grains and sugars, and especially in desserts.
Empty calories are calories that don't give your body any nutrition. An example is cake because it doesn't give your body any nutrition, but it is very caloric.
Nutrient density refers to how nutritious a certain food can be. Nutrient density refers to all different kinds of foods.
Kilocalorie (kcalorie or kcal)