Apricots, Citrus (Grapefruits, Kumquats, Lemons, Navel Oranges, Tangelos/Tangerines), Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Raspberries, and Rhubarb.
Oranges are orange and grapefruits are a lighter color. Grapefruits have a more sour taste, while the orange has a fruitier taste.
Citrus fruits are: Oranges,lemons,grapefruits,limes, and I think there are some Austrailian citrus fruits.
No, I don't think so, because citrus fruits are you usually sour and they usually have acid in them, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.
Yes, oranges are citrus fruits. Also, lemons and grapefruits.
The goods and services in florida are the oranges, grapefruits and the tourism services.
what are Oranges producers or consumers in the food chain
* orange * citron * grapefruit * kumquat * lavender gem * lemon * lime * mandarin orange * oro blanco * pomelo * shaddock * tangelo * tangerine * ugli fruit
They are found in Florida.
grapefruit orange,tangerine,lemon i love grapefruit
Oranges and grapefruits