If you're asking how much money it would take you to get out of the Army, it's however much is needed to buy out your contract (talking at least high 5 digits). I'd make sure you have it though before going up the chain, otherwise you'll be a shitter-digger. Or you can man-up and just finish.
It depends on their rank and how long they've been in the army. Currently the lowest enlisted rank (E1) gets a little under $18,000 per year and the lowest commissioned rank (O1) gets just under $34,000 per year.These are base pay that does not include bonuses or allowances (such as the housing, food, and clothing allowances). It also doesn't include special duty pay (hardship pay, hazardous duty pay, pay for being at sea or part of an air crew, etc.).
Teenagers were concerned about the military draft during the 60's. Should they flee to Canada? Should they resist the draft? Should they volunteer for another service quickly, before the Army gets them? Should they enroll in college to avoid the draft, instead of just getting a job? Or...just join the Army...and get it over with.
Army guys i would think that they would because when they are away at places like Iraq and there girlfriends are here bored with nothing to do.ANSWER:I was a military wife where my husband will deploy 6 months a year in a ship ( depending where get gets station), and I never thought of going on a date while this man I dated is in the water or in different countries. Not all military personnel do cheat, but I do know that there are some, I'm not sure about Marine, Army, or Airforce. Before we got married he did broke his promise to me and never told me. I have seen a few Officers who I knew that cheated on their wife. The wife? no haven't known any who cheated on their husband while their gone.
Reconstruction was very little help to the free slave. Most poltis made good money during recontruction period, not much unlike today. The people that is suppose to get the help neve gets it or get very little of it.
Konzen gets killed because he probably got captured after the door shut on him and he left Goku. Tenpou dies when he commands the Western Army to kill the Eastern Army when him, Konzen, Goku and Kenren are trying to leave Heaven. He tells Konzen and Goku to go on without him, so they do. His death wasn't proved to actually happen, but it is suspected that he did. Kenren dies when he is fighting the Dragon King, Goujun and like, Tenpou tells them to go on without him. And by the way, its Gaiden, not Garden lol.
snitch , lie, put hit on someone , dip into money , stash
it depends how many times it gets kicked if gets kick every day the cat has to have help.
it depends on your rank and how long you have been in... everyone gets paid the same amount of money no matter what job they have... its not what job you have its according to your rank.
An honorable discharge is the way anyone gets out of the military unless they are kicked out. When you enlistment time is up and you don't want to enlist again, you get a notice of honorable discharge from the Army.
If I am correct then it is the amount of money that the winner gets.
I think probably doctors do.
aubrey and d.woods
big army - more tax money the government gets
its a well
On a punt the other team gets the ball. But if it's just randomly kicked, who kicked decides who gets the ball.
Dawn gets kicked off total drama revenge of the island 4th. She gets kicked off on Backstabbers Ahoy. The reason why Dawn was kicked off because Scott framed her and sent her packing. I hope this answers your question
Because the amount of money made in tolls per year. Who owns the canal gets the money.