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Feather Industries, IIRC.

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Q: American eagle 22 rifle mod 275 was made by who?
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Who made American Eagle lever action 22 rifle?

POSSIBLY your rifle is a Noble Model 275.

Where can you get parts for the American eagle 22 rifle mod 275?

The name "American Eagle" was used by several different companies- among them Noble and Feather Industries. Would suggest you contact gunpartscorp (which is Numrich) with more information, and see if they can help. They are a very larger supplier of used firearm parts.

What is a KODIAK 30-06 rifle worth?

The kodiak rifle made in new haven conn. can be worth 275-450 depending on its current state and caliber.

The value of bl 22 short long long rifle pat no3377731morgan Utah made in japan?

50-275 usd

What is the value of a 3006 model 410 series K rifle made in westfield mass in early 1970?

50-275 US Dollars

What is the phone number of the Eagle Branch Library in Indianapolis?

The phone number of the Eagle Branch Library is: 317-275-4340.

What is the value of a model 70 300 win mag made in 1964?

A post 64 model 70 rifle will be valued at between 275-475 dollars.

How much is a 1993 walking liberty dollar worth?

A 1993 American eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS69 condition is worth: $ 50; if its mint state is PF69, the value is: $275.

How can you tell when a Winchester model 290 rifle was made?

It,s unfortunate that you cannot.Winchester choose to not record the serial numbers of any of the 200 class of rifles they made.This would include yours and the models 250,270,255 and 275.The Model 290 Winchester rifle was made from 1965-1976.

What is the value of a 303 Lee-Enfield No1 Mark 3 rifle?

£275 at least

What is the value of a 401 Winchester rifle?

You have a Winchester model 1910 semi-auto rifle which was made from 1905-1920.these rifles will bring between 275-550 dollars on todays market.The prices stated reflect the finish on our rifle being between 10%-80% of it,s original finish.

What is the value of a westerfield bolt action model 782 made by mossburg 243 cal?

Your rifle which was made by Mossberg and is there model 800B will bring between 100-275 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.