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I'm 11, 4'11 and 6.6 stone. On a scale from 1 to 100 (50 being perfect) I am 64. So no. You are probably about 72-78 on that scale because you are smaller, which is fine!

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Q: Am I overweight if im 11 years old 4.9 foot and 6.6 stone?
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Am i fat im 8 stone and 11 years old?

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hi my name is dionne and i am 12 years old i need to ask u a question i am 12 years old and i weight 8 stone 12 and i am about 4 foot 10 inches am i overweight , average or underweight plz email me back on p.s please tell me the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for you're help!!!!!!

Is 9 stone overweight you are 5 foot 5 and feel FAT?

It Depends how old you are. I'm 12 I'm 5 foot 7 and I way 10.5 Stone, Also Depends on Gender, I'm male.

You are 123 pounds 5 foot 1 and 12 years old are you fat?

If you are 123 pounds 5 foot 1 and 12 years old you are not considered overweight or fat, actually this is the average weight for a 12 years old.

Am I overweight PLEASE be honest you are 13 years old 5 foot five 115 pounds and your waist is 27 inches?

No you are not overweight given the information supplied.

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If you are fifteen years old and 5 foot 2 and 8.5 stone are you overweight?

For people outside of the UK, 1 stone = 14 lbs, thus 8.5 stones are 119 lbs. It does depend if you are male or female. For a female, you are at ideal weight based on BMI. For a male, you are underweight.