Dozens of makers have made 410 shotguns over the last 100 or so years. Winchester, Remington, Ithaca, Purdey, H&H are a few.
there are several makers of the 410 auto-loader. my favorite is the Saiga .410, ( it is a military style tough looking gun. the other makers are: Rmiington, model 1100, sporting 410 , and I think that might be all. the Remington 1100 is a nice shooting gun. worthy of the Remington name.
a 20 gauge is a type of many shotguns but it is smaller than a 12 gauge but bigger that a 410. a 20 gauge is a good shotgun for all ages.
Conventional shotguns run from 10 gauge (very big) to a .410 (smallest). The most common are 12 and 20 gauges, a little less common are the 16 gauge and .410 (.410 = 67 gauge). Some of the less common gauges are 32, 28, 24, and 10 gauge. There are also monster 'punt' guns usually 6 or 8 gauge mounted to a boat. The smaller the gauge number, the bigger the gun.
With such a detailed description of your shotgun, all I can say is that Sears sold shotguns, including .410 gauge, from the 1880's to about 1990.
The only Ranger 101.4s I've seen were shotguns, all chambered in .410 gauge.
First of all; .410 is NOT a gauge. It is a bore. The Gauges are determined by an antiquated method which was developed long before there ever was a .410 bore shotgun. NO ONE knows for sure exactly how and when the .410" bore shotgun actually came to be, but if that diameter - .410" -- were determined using the GAUGE method, it would be approximately a 67.5 Gauge. You can learn more merely by using your internet Search Engine feature. You can even learn how gauges are determined and that in Great Britain they don't use the term gauge at all for shotguns. THEN: if you really want to befuddle yourself, research Dram Equivalents. So: the answer is: nobody really knows . Your question falls in the same category as" HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH WHITE MEN?" Nobody knows.
Check the yellow pages for gunsmiths. you can find any and all parts for almost all guns at
No. Not worthless, but not high $$$ guns either. These were utility grade shotguns, made for hunters, young shooters, etc. But nice reliable, durable guns all the same.
Over the past 100 years, many makers have made double barrel 410 shotguns. Provide a detailed description of ALL markings, barrel length, finish,etc., and some one might be able to help you.
They are the same. Mossberg 500 series includes all shotguns. 500A is 12gauge. 500E is 410.
Browning, Remington
Hell no. .410 is not a gauge it is a caliber. True gauge is a measurement of the number of lead balls of bore diameter that constitute a pound. The .243 bullet is a lot smaller than the diameter of a .410 barrel. There are some .410's that can shoot 45 colts but not all can.