I had one beer 21hours ago is there still alcohol in my system and can a urine test detect the one alcohol drink from 21 hours later
You cannot take the alcohol out of your own system. You must wait for the alcohol to phase out on its own.
No, alcohol does not remove THC from your system. THC is metabolized by the liver separately, and its presence in your system is not affected by alcohol consumption.
Alcohol temporarily slows the reactions of the nervous system.
The only way to pass a mouth swab for alcohol is to not have any alcohol in the system.
You can help your kidneys to flush your system of alcohol by drinking lots of fluids that do not contain alcohol. Coffee is good.
Alcohol first affects the central nervous system.
The amount of time that alcohol stays in your system will depend on how much alcohol has been consumed.
you make sure there is no alcohol in your system
Yes, alcohol's primary effects are on the central nervous system.
Temporarily slows actions of the nervous system.
No, but there may still be alcohol in your system even with a hangover. The ugly hangover feeling is from waste products from the metabolism of alcohol and from the dehydrating of tissues by the alcohol in the bloodstream.
Alcohol can stay in your system for up to 80 hours in a regular urine test.