sense of well-being
At high levels of consumption, alcohol can cause:
loss of coordination
Many of the effects of alcohol that are associated with heavy drinking seem clear up after 1 yr sobriety.
There are many different things that can happen to a human body when alcohol is consumed. Damage to the liver, damage to the brain, vomiting, and passing out are all effects of alcohol.
There are many positive effects on the body from drinking alcohol in moderation, including better health and greater longevity than abstaining from it.
Weakened joints
For the same reasons that any other drug is misused. For the temporary effects they give. Unfortunately many, including alcohol, are addictive and the side effects can be cumulative and debilitating.
They would feel the effects just as a human would. Too much alcohol could get them 'tipsy'. There are many horses that like an occational beer but I wouldn't make it a regular practice.
No one died from alcohol in 2010. However, an unknown number died from the effects of abusing alcohol themselves or by others.
There are no effects on the liver unless a person abuses alcohol over a period of many years or decades. However, alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver, and many other dangerous diseases.
Drinking alcohol can have many different effects on the body, and not all of them are life-threatening. Many of the effects of alcohol consumption are dose-dependent and can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as general health, tolerance, amount of alcohol consumed and frequency of consumption.
Lyrica is pregabalin. Many people report comparing it to the effects of alcohol, or of being wired, while others report feeling heavy.
It can kill you! During Prohibition times the booze was cheap and many died from the effects of rubbing alcohol. ambot
There are many parts of the body that experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse. They include major organs, such as the liver and kidneys. Alcohol can also affect the brain in negative ways.