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After 12 months as temporary residence you do have to apply for a permanent residence to be legal. This is to apply to be legal in the US.

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1d ago

Not necessarily. The requirements for obtaining permanent residence (green card) vary depending on the specific case and circumstances of each individual. Some legalized aliens may automatically qualify for a green card after their temporary status expires, while others may need to apply and meet certain criteria to be eligible for permanent residence.

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Q: After the 18-month temporary residence period each legalized alien has to apply for permanent residence?
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If you and your girlfriend want a baby and you are ready should you do it if your both 15?

I know you may think that your love for your girlfriend is greater than ever, but, being only fifteen, I doubt that both of you will mature at the same rate and end up together sharing the same life goals needed to sustain a long term relationship.You are not ready to have a baby, you are not even ready to have a car, graduate from high school, have a full time job, go to college, or have your own home. Quit thinking with your other head!There is no way a fifteen year boy in his right mind would want a baby. You really want to spend the rest of your life working two full time jobs because you did not finish high school and can not afford to go to college (time and financial wise)? If she is pressuring you to do anything, she needs to see a therapist or counselor now. Bring a baby into the world, under your own intentions, would mean that your parents would have to pay for the brunt of medical and childcare expenses while you either went to work or continued with high school. You really must not care if you want to screw with your life and parents lives like that.See a mature adult about this now, you are endangering your future by making foolish and immature decisions that could seriously affect your chances of having a financially and emotionally stable future.No, you should not have a baby. You're 15 now, the baby will probably be born when you're 16. It's still a bad idea. You will barely be old enough to get a job. How will you save enough money to raise a baby by that time? You're still immature and think a lot about yourself. I am almost 18 now and just got pregnant unintentionally. Its scary and I wont be able to support it on my own. Luckily I do have help from family and friends. That doesn't make it easy though. The girl that is 14 and miscarriage...its because she's too young and her body is NOT developed enough to develop a baby! Your body isn't fully developed either. Giving birth could cause death for such a young girl. Now, if you're 16 it would be less likely for you to die but the baby may not make it. Having a baby is the fun part. But the 9 months before its born is going to be a living hell! The sickness and doctor appointments and all the other life changes you have to take will drive you insane. I'm really regretting it right now. And like someone else told you, getting up in the middle of the night to feed or comfort a crying baby or to change a dirty diaper isn't something you're going to want to do at 16 years old. Trust me.It's really up to you guys, but you should think things through. Everybody will say how bad it is and stuff but don't listen, its your choice. if you have any doubts at all then you probably aren't ready. I'm 16 and have a 7 month old son and his father left when I told him I was pregnant and I thought it was the end of the world. I moved to live with my mum (I had been living with my dad) and I started going to this great high school. It was good for me because although it was just an ordinary high school (not one for teen parents) there are a ton of other girls and guys with babies that are supportive, we have a daycare center at the school, and a teen parent program. When I was about 5 months pregnant and really starting to show, I met this guy through my brother and he was the best; he went to all my classes with me, took me to doctors appointments whenever I needed to. He was always there for me, he still is, he is the best. he acts like my son is his. I have contact with the father still and he has apologised for all that, he says it was because he freaked out, but whatever...we are still close, but I love my new boyfriend who is now my fiance. He is in college now and I will be graduating from high school soon, so it is possible not to have to worry all the time. I have so many people to help take care of him, and both my boyfriend and I make enough for all of us. I hope you make the right decision.No! I started having sex when I was 16. I don't regret the choice, but now I'm 19, pregnant, and single. I had a lot of childhood and growing up to do before I got pregnant, but now there is no room left for me in my life. My life is now about my baby that I will have in December. My education is even about my baby. I changed my major in college to suit the needs of a baby and not what I wanted to do when I got out of college. I have moved because the place that I was living was not suitable to raise a baby. I got a second job because otherwise I couldn't save enough money to raise a baby. Do you see where all of this is going?? At 19 i couldn't imagine my life this way, but at 15 you have no idea what having a baby means. She might want a baby, I've wanted a baby my whole life. But neither one of you'll know what it means to have a baby. Enjoy your life now the way it is. Be thankful for what you do have. Don't try to force things on yourselves that you don't even understand yet. You'll have no idea. You can't drive a car, for goodness sake, how are you gonna raise a baby? If you have a baby at 15, when are you gonna graduate from high school, who's gonna take care of the baby while you're in school, when are you have time to go to college, who's going pay for child care (which by the way can cost upwards of 400 dollars a month), who's going stay up with the baby all night when you have school in the morning? These are real life questions that you will have to think about before you have a baby. Not to mention the pregnancy questions. Like who's gonna help her when she's sick and can't go to school or work, who's gonna make sure that she gets the help that she needs while she's pregnant, who's gonna take her to and from the doctor every three weeks to make sure the baby is okay? More real life questions. You might not like my answer, and it is long, but babies are no joke and they are not something to play with. It's a person and yeah it's fun to think about, but the reality is so much harsher. Enjoy your childhood and your teenage years, wait. Go to college, graduate from high school and love life and don't want more from it then it is giving you already. Babies will come in their own time. I promise.No because when you have to get up in the middle of the night for feeding or changing diaper you'll regret it, and its expensive. If you're 15 you definitely can't afford it. Plus it could just be puppy love. You could find somebody who you love so much more and want to spend the rest of your life with. But all in all it is both your decision so good luck with whatever decision you decide to make.You have probably heard this, but No way!!, At fifteen you are not mentally or physically developed enough to raise a baby. No matter how much "you feel" that you are ready, you're not. You are too young to worry about the night time feedings, the diaper changes, the constant care of the baby, and especially the price of a child. Do you know how much a crib, changing table, diapers, bottles cost. Trust me, more then a 15 year old makes. Just wait, please for the love of God, wait.Half these people haven't experienced it like I have. My boyfriend of a year thought about having a baby when I was 13 and he was 15. I am now 14 and he's 16. I was just pregnant almost a month ago, but unfortunately I had a miscarriage. We are now working on another child. But I'm telling you carrying that baby for 2 months was hard but the happiest time of my life. If you two definitely love each other that's all that matters in my eyes. Good luck with your choice. I think being a parent will be the hardest but most rewarding experience..Absolutely not! You both haven't thought it out. Listen to the girl that posted where her baby is due in December because she gave you excellent advice. She is mature for her years because she has planned out her future and being fully aware this baby is going to take a lot of her time. If one is strong enough then they can do it, but sorry to say at 14 years of age no way! Guess what ... you'll be expecting mom and dad to pick up the tab! Who do you think is going to support your baby! The government? Tax payers are getting sick to death of young people purposely going out and getting pregnant and they have to pay for it. Accidents happens and rape does too and that's different, but to plan for it is selfish and immature! This is what will happen to you both: One or both of you will have to get a job to help out. I doubt neither of your parents are geared for an additional cost of not only raising you, but also a baby. Sit up and fly right! You have no consideration as how this will alter other people's lives and most importantly that of the babies. How selfish both of you are! You will have to pay for prenatal care (some of it is free) and also hospital bills. That's just the beginning! You will need to try to find a way to get your education or you'll never make it out in the real world without it. That's one heavy load. Once the baby is born there is no more going out with friends to party, no more movies on the spur of the moment because you'll both be too busy looking after that baby (or at least she will be) and then there is the colic, vomiting, diarrhea, changing poopy diapers, getting your baby through scary fevers, perhaps rushing off to the ER (another bill). The cost of diapers alone is expensive and that doesn't include the crib, baby clothes, etc. Quit acting so immature. All the two of you are doing is reaching out for love and it's all in the wrong places. A baby doesn't cure a void of love in your lives and they are not dolls you can take off a shelf to play with when you feel like it. You have to devote your time 100%!!!!!No! I'm 14 years old myself and have only had one boyfriend before. I think that 13 and 14 yo is young for dating, let alone sex! Your lives will take you different directions and you should wait until you know where you're headed in life before you have sex. I learned in health class this year that if a girl become pregnant the father of the baby can choose not to marry the girl, but still has to support the baby. He has to get a job during high school and cant go to college. Seriously dude, you're not ready. No matter what you may think, you're only 15 and you are still being supported by your parents, don't ask for them to support another baby. The responsibility of taking care of your child would go from you to them in no time. Wait a few years, if you're still with your girlfriend, go ahead. If you're not, well than its a good thing you didn't do it now!Hey, Im 18 years old with an 18month old daughter (i got pregnant&had her at 16) I love my baby more than anything but it is VERY tough raising a child so young. my mom got stuck paying for a lot and that wasnt fair to her. Her father is in her life but doesnt do nearly as much as he should (he was 15 when i got pregnant and turned 16 2 weeks before her birth) He's just too young to know how to properly take care of a child. I lost about 90% of my friends& had to drop out of school my junior year. When i became pregnant, my mom didnt find out till i was about 4 or 5 months. i was afraid to tell her and that put my baby at risk because i didnt go to the doctor until i was about 5 1/2 months. That was a very stupid and selfish thing to do. I ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl we named Kaylee Rae. Along with the normal struggles of being a new mom, i was young and really didnt know what i was doing, and when she was 9 days old i found out she has a condition called Congenitve Hypothyroidismare, which means her thyroid isn't growing and producing the hormone it should. To make a long story short, i found out that if i hadnt gotten this taken care of, she would have had permanent brain damage by 3 months. Now she is healthy and has to take a pill every day for the rest of her life and see a specialist every few months and get blood taken to check her hormone levels. So don't think just cuz your young, your avoid all birth problems because that is not true at all. Another problem with being a young parent is The only job i can get is at a daycare because i have to bring my daughter with me. Dropping out of school hurt me more than getting pregnant did because not only did i miss out on the best highschool years, but now i have to find the time to get my GED and find someone to babysit while i do that. Dont get me wrong, i love my daughter but i really wish i would have waited. It sucks not being to go out when i want or just doing the things teens do. The whole time i was in school i hated it and wanted more than anything to drop out but now that i look back i wish i could get those years back. My advice is that if youre young and want to have a baby, WAIT. Sorry about the novel, i just like letting others know how hard it is to raise a baby at such a young age. If you would like to talk with me you can email me at