one white lady that,had got along with them. one white lady that,had got along with them.
Her name was Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
harriet Tubman
Harriett Tubman
Harriet Tubman
Her name was Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who went back South to help other slaves to escape.
Stanton was a firm supporter of woman AND rights for African- Americans. She worked alongside Frederick Douglass for both causes.She helped slaves escape.
Harriet Tubman
Irena Sendler
The Ziggurat helped with religion, irrigation, and economic surplus. What roles did women and slaves have in sumerian religion? Women became priestesses and the slaves worked in the Ziggurat. ... Math helped count and irrigate crops.
Slaves are people who were disrespected, treated as animals, hit, tortured, and abused. They were forced to work and be a servent to the rich. In some states though, slaves wererespected. They were treated as people and not some stupid animal. But beside all of this, their was one woman who helped some slaves escape from their stupid owners. Her name was Harriet Tubman. She helped slaves escape through the underground railroad. I give a salute to her. Now in these days, every person and animal are treated fairly. And for the people who treated people disrespectfully, try reading the Gettysburg Address. In these days, you would be killed, hanged, and thrown into and put into a poisinous room until there is only your ashes. Thanks for reading my post!! :):):):)
Harriet Tubman
They had many spies. Maybe you are thinking of Harriet Tubman, a woman who helped slaves escape captivity and worked the underground railroad?
Harriet Tubman