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In Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the needs that must be met first are the physiological needs, such as breathing, eating, sleeping, sex, homeostasis and excretion. Once these needs are met, then man can focus on needs of "safety" and so on and so forth until a man can focus on Self-Actualization.

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Q: According to Abraham Maslows hierarchy which needs must be met first?
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What are the needs at the bottom of maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Safety is the first order of necessity in Maslow's Hierarchy. Safety is not the first on Maslow's Hierarchy is the 2nd. The 1st is Physical needs. The 3rd is Belonging. The 4th is Feeling Recognized. and 5th is Reaching Potential. There you have it...

What are the perspectives of organizational behavior?

Briefly explain the four main approaches to Organisational Behaviour.Maslow's Hierarchy· Perhaps the most famous theorist on the topic of human behavior was Abraham Maslow, who developed his theory on the hierarchy of needs in 1943. Essentially, Maslow proposed that humans attempt to satisfy their needs in order beginning with the most basic and do not move ahead to more complex needs until satisfying the basic needs first. The hierarchy of needs progresses from the most basic needs for food and shelter to the need for safety, the need for belonging and acceptance, the need for esteem and, finally, the need for self-actualization. To understand organizational behavior, many look to Maslow's hierarchy, particularly the last three levels, to help understand why individuals and groups behave the way they do within organizations. Herzberg's Approach· According to Frederick Herzberger, two basic types of motivation drive employees. The first he named "hygiene factors," which include working conditions, quality of supervision and the nature of the job, among other things. Hygiene factors can detract from an employee's level of motivation. The second group of factors is called "motivation factors," which include growth, recognition and achievement, among others. Motivation factors add to an employee's motivation. Essentially, Herzberg believed that employees' behavior is based primarily on these two sets of motivations. Expectancy Theory· The expectancy theory is a theory of organizational behavior that individuals are primarily motivated by three concepts: valence, instrumentality and expectancy. Valence refers to the desirability of certain outcomes to a particular employee or individual. Instrumentality describes the employee's perception of the impact of specific behaviors on the outcome of a project. Expectancy illustrates the employee's perception of his individual behavior on the outcome of the project. Alderfer's ERG Approach· Clayton Alderfer used Maslow's hierarchy of needs to develop his own model of motivation, called the ERG approach. Like Maslow, Alderfer ranked needs in a hierarchy but condensed Maslow's five needs into three: existence, relatedness and growth (ERG). An important difference of the ERG approach from Maslow's hierarchy is that the ERG approach holds that different needs can be pursued simultaneously. From an organizational behavior standpoint then, the ERG approach makes understanding motivations and needs that much more complex.

According to Erik Erikson the first psychosocial dilemma faced by a newborn is gaining a sense of?

Trust and Mistrust

Who conducted the first social psychology experiment?

I would say it was Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, when he wanted to test if Rivka would be a good wife for Yitzhak. He said: If I tell her: "give me some water", and she will reply: "I will give water to your camels too", then she is the right wife. That was the first psychological test.

What is one weakness of maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Maslow's theory (the hierarchy of basic human needs) is interesting, but rarely is human behavior as compartmentalized. Some people are able to achieve self-actualization without having some of what Maslow defines as "needs" fulfilled first. Basically he is saying that without your basic survival/safety needs, without love, without a sense of belonging, without self-esteem, without a developed sense of beauty/symmetry/art, without all of that first, you can't become a fully self-actualized person. Some would disagree with that theory. Others might speculate that some of the things he's defined as needs aren't needs at all. No one can deny that food, air, shelter and such are needs, but may argue that esteem, love, artistic expression are not needs but desires. Some may even argue that self-actualization is not imperative to being a happy or successful person.

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Humans have a hierarchy of needs, according to Abraham Maslow. He wrote in 1943 that human needs are first psychological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and last, self-actualization.

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