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Q: A tactic which is commonly used in carrying out strikes is?
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Which tactic is commonly used in carrying out strikes is?


Focused on collective bargaining and used strikes as a major tactic?

The AFL , the American Federation of Labor, focused on collective bargaining. Established in 1886 they used strikes as a major tactic to enact change.

What focused on collective bargaining and used strikes as a major tactic?

American federation of labor

What is the most commonly used tatic for terrorist?

The most commonly used tactic for terrorism is bombings, which can include suicide bombings, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and car bombings. These tactics are often chosen for their ability to cause mass casualties and instill fear in populations.

Why do you think gandhi tells lord irvin the he dreads carrying out an act of civil disobedience is civil disobedience a nonviolent tactic?

Gandhi tells Lord Irwin that he dreads carrying out an act of civil disobedience to emphasize the deep commitment and seriousness of the tactic. Civil disobedience is a nonviolent tactic used to peacefully protest unjust laws or policies by refusing to comply with them. Gandhi believed in the power of nonviolent resistance to bring about social change.

Price lining tactic is commonly used for?

Price lining tactic is commonly used for offering products at different price points to target different customer segments or to create a perception of value and quality among customers. It allows businesses to cater to different budget preferences and maximize revenue by attracting customers at various price levels.

Merits of market penetration pricing?

Marketing Penetration is a pricing tactic when a product is introduced at a much lower price than it will be sold for to gain new customers. This is a commonly used tactic to increase sales volume or market share.

Which battle tactics were commonly employed by the VietCong?

There are many tactics that the VietCong used in the Vietnam war. The most common tactic used was surprise attacks and ambushes due to extensive tunneling underground.

Is a vetsin carrying electricity?

No, monosodium glutamate (MSG), commonly known as Vetsin, does not conduct electricity. It is a flavor enhancer commonly used in cooking but has no electric conductivity properties.

What fighting tactic was used in the revolutionary war?

One fighting tactic that was used in the Revolutionary was was guerrilla warfare. It's kind of like a hit and run tactic, as in a surprise attack, an ambush, etc.

A fillbuster is used in congress as a?

delaying tactic.

A filibuster is used in congress as a?

delaying tactic