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A person who works to manage relations is called a negotiator.

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Will project management work in all companies?

Project Management is a global phenomenon and works everywhere. Almost all companies have project managers who manage the work done in the company

What is labor management relations from HRM?

The human resource department works with unions and employees to ensure that they are treated fairly. The human resource department has to balance what is best for the company and what is best for employees.

In a research and development company without hierarchy how can a manager can manage the workers?

In hierarchy less organisation the conceptually it is no-boss no-subordinate". Therefore question for any one as manager does not arise to manage worker. The challenge in hierarchy-less organisation works on the premise of triple responsibilities and roles: Boss, self and subordinate. Dr.K.S. Gupta

Why do managers need to understand how to manage across cultures?

Because limiting the company to operations in one culture limits the potential of the company to grow its sales and sourcing. Or they could try operating in a culture they don't understand and hope that works out for them - unlikely to work because communications and expectations in the other culture are highly likely to be different and cause confusion and failure.

What are the duties of database administrator?

A database administrator is a person who works in IT and who has a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology or engineering. The duties involve designing and developing databases, improving performance of databases and system monitoring.

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I think that functional area is a place where people works and a management function is a people who manage...

What best describes the works of impressionist painters?

Public relations

What is the difference between unemployment and employment?

Unemployment is where a person is not employed and is not making money by working. Employment is where a person works and makes money.

Which types of events does an event manager host?

It depends on what kind of event manager this person is. If this person works at a hotel then its the events that happen at a hotel. Or if this person works at a comunity center then they manage the events that happen at a comunity center! But if this person is just an event manager then they can do just about anything from DJ to decoration! Dawson Ryles, over and out *bang* (smoke) *gone* "The name's Ryles... Dawson Ryles"- Dawson Ryles

What is the president's title when he works with foreign relations?

I got it, it's Chief of State

Where the ambassador works?

The ambassador typically works in an embassy or consulate representing their home country in a foreign nation. Their main role is to promote political, economic, and cultural relations between the two countries, as well as to protect the interests of their citizens living abroad.

Who developed a theory of relations between literary works and social classes in term of homologies?

homology, a correspondence between two or more structures. The Marxist critic Lucien Goldmann developed a theory of the relations between literary works and social classes in terms of homologies. In his Le Dieu Caché (1959), he observed a homology between the underlying structure of Racine's tragedies and that of the world‐view held by a particular group in the French nobility. This method was extended to the modern novel in Goldmann's Pour une sociologie du roman (1964). An example of something that bears a resemblance to something else is called a homologue, and is said to be homologous with it.Read more: homology

What is a person who works for money?

A person who works for money is a Businessman or Businesswoman

Does Football Manage 2008 work on Windows 7?

I only works with XP or Vista

What has the author Donald M Page written?

Donald M. Page has written: 'A bibliography of works on Canadian foreign relations, 1971-1975' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Foreign economic relations, Foreign relations, Military policy

What is a person who works in a mine called?

what is the person who works in a coal mine called? A MINER!!!