The guy is intelligent. You may have left a good or bad impression on him and he can't forget your name.
you are mixed with whatever you want to be so go girl do yo thang do yo thang i said go girl do yo thang....remember that from elementary
Remember, NO means NO.
Whatever you said for her to say your gay had to be funny or just stupid.
You don't. Remember, no means no.
Meaning that whatever was said is a certainty.
in remember me tyler sais. ' ghandi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant. but it's very important that you do it. i tend to agree with the first part.'
It doesn't mean anything. As you said, she was drunk. She probably doesn't even remember you.
Whatever you are content with or what makes you happy, also said as whtaever floats your boat.
He mean, I still like you whether you believe what I said or not.
i remember he said he had a dream where he was on a couch with a girl and Avril came in and killed the girl then chased joe out the door...scary!
This is possible. it is often best not to reply, but block or unfriend the bully if you can. Remember that whatever you reply will always be on record somewhere.
Your girl said you are to small