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The mayflower compact.

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Q: A group of former indentured servants led by a wealthy frontiers farmer began uprising is called what?
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Who were obligated to work for masters to pay the cost of their passage to America?

They are called indentured servants. People in England in the early times of America asked wealthy people to provide money for their passage. In return, the people would work for the wealthy person, with no pay, for a set upon amount of years, generally from 5 to 7. When the indentured servants were freed, they were given some food and a small parcel of land to start their own farms.

How did an indentured servant pay for passage to america?

No. You see indentured servants wanted to come to America, but did not have money to do so. So, a wealthy landowner of sorts would pay for this man to come to America. In return they would work for a certain number of years. And when they had paid of there debt, the landowner would grant them with land, tools, and money to get them started as American citizens.

What were enslaved Africans brought to America to supply labor for?

Cotton plantations in the South (field work) and also to be house servants in the wealthy plantation owners' houses.

How did the tobacco economy draw the Chesapeake colonies into the greater Atlantic world?

First of all, tobacco is not good for no one and even in those times people knew this. People in those times loved it and it soon became in demand. Instead of using money they used tobacco and was so much in demand it was like gold. Soon people from around the world was wanting this commodity and it made people in the Chesapeake colonies to expand. By expanding, soon more English people came over and wanted land and in order to work that much land they had alot of indentured servants and farmers. At this time, was the beginning of enslaving of African slaves to work on tobacco plantations. The wealthy soon became even wealthier using indentured servants and African slaves so the white population and tobacco became increasingly large and wealthier.

How did the head right system affect the development of Georgia?

The Headright system involves a legal grant of land to citizens. Most were between 1 and 1,000 acres and were used in several of the Thirteen Colonies including Georgia. Headrights were given to anyone who could afford to pay the passage of an indentured servant. Giving the land to the landowners took away the chance for servants to ever gain any land of their own. This kept many colonials poor and led to strife between them and the wealthy.

Related questions

What group of former indentured servants led by a wealthy frontier farmer began an uprising called the mayflower compacts?

Mayflower Compact.

Why did former indentured servants threaten the colonial elite in the Chesapeake and why?

For this answer, you should look at Bacon's Rebellion- Where Nathanial Bacon revolted against the governor of Virginia, attempting to burn down all of Jamestown. The reason the former indentured servants threatened the elit is because Bacon's mob was comprised of jaded indentured servants (who were getting the short end of the stick when it came to land) and African slaves. After the uprising, none of the wealthy settlers wanted to hire indentured servants, so they turned to African slavery as their main means of labor.

What are Four items that describe the colony of South Carolina?

Large plantations, rice, indigo, indentured servants and black slaves, wealthy Virginians and Englishmen.

Who were obligated to work for masters to pay the cost of their passage to America?

They are called indentured servants. People in England in the early times of America asked wealthy people to provide money for their passage. In return, the people would work for the wealthy person, with no pay, for a set upon amount of years, generally from 5 to 7. When the indentured servants were freed, they were given some food and a small parcel of land to start their own farms.

Who were obligated to work for masters to pay the cost of their passages to America?

They are called indentured servants. People in England in the early times of America asked wealthy people to provide money for their passage. In return, the people would work for the wealthy person, with no pay, for a set upon amount of years, generally from 5 to 7. When the indentured servants were freed, they were given some food and a small parcel of land to start their own farms.

How did the headright system help the rich colonist?

Headrights were paid to anyone who could afford to pay for the passage costs of an indentured servant. Numerous headrights could be given to the wealthy, if they paid for several passages. Giving the land to the wealthy, created an underclass of indentured servants who could never afford to buy their own land.

Who owned plantations in colonial North Carolina?

Wealthy white Christian males owned plantations in colonial North Carolina and also owned many African American slaves or indentured servants.

Select the four items that best describe the colony of South Carolina?

1.) wealthy Virginians and Englishmen 2.) large plantations 3.) rice, indigo. 4.) indentured servants and slaves

What was the most important social distinction in the seventeenth century Chesapeake colony?

The most important social distinction in the seventeenth century Chesapeake colony was between the wealthy elite plantation owners and the indentured servants and enslaved laborers. The plantation owners had immense wealth and power, while the indentured servants and enslaved laborers were largely dependent on them for work and survival. This distinction shaped the economic and social structure of the colony, with the plantation owners dominating both politically and economically.

What lasting effects did the headright system and indentured servitude have for the colony of Virginia?

The headright system granted landowners 50 acres for each individual they brought to Virginia. This encouraged wealthy landowners to bring indentured servants to the colony. These servants each served from five to seven years in return for their passage, room and board. After their service, they moved to unsettled land with some very basic supplies and cleared the land. In turn, they became landowners and brought indentured servants to the colony. The lasting effects were that Virginia was able to expnad and utilize some of the most fertile land in the Colonies.

Who be more likey to come to North america as an indentured servant a wealthy person or a poor person and Why?

A poor person would be more likely to become an indentured servant. A wealthy person wanting to migrate could pay for the ticket w/o becoming indentured.

What are four items that best describe the colony of South Carolina?

Large plantations, rice, indigo, indentured servants and black slaves, wealthy Virginians and Englishmen.