Many people make promises they honestly feel they will keep at the time, but, as they move on in their lives things change and so does that promise. It is time you moved on from this relationship. Or maybe she just doent have any credit.
Ask her, that doesnt make sense.
That means that she wants you back of course. Also that she still has feelings for you.
Well it does not maTTER WHAT THE GIRL SAYS. That's your girlfriend and you should stick up for her.
girl forget him have fun while on that break
if she says that to you, she obviously doesnt like you
That means no!!
It means that she is going to think about it but its not a yes or a no. Good luck!
It simply means that he is agreeing and is most probably waiting for the girls call...
My advice:Find out!say "Hi"to her see how she reactsIf she smiles and says hi back,then she probly likes you
The guy will break upwith her if he doesnt like it. DUHHH
It does not necessarily mean anything if a girl says she will call and doesn't. She may have just been busy and forgot.
yes he is cheating on you