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she dosent like u

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Q: A girl makes fun of you what doesthis mean?
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What does it mean when a girl you just met makes funny remarks about a girl you are going out with?

Maybe the girl is jealous that you are already going out with somebody, so she makes fun of her so you will break up with her. In other words, the girl that makes fun of your girlfriend wants to go out with you. Trust me, I'm a girl.

When a girl makes fun of a guy does it mean she loves him?

Well if she is flirty with you or acts all different around you then she probably does like you.

Why does this girl always hug you and sometimes kiss you and says she really likes you but when she is with her friends she makes fun of you and treats you badly?

When a girl hugs and kisses you then makes fun of you in front of her friends, she doesnt mean what she is saying to her friends. She's just trying not to lose her friends and not lose you at the same time. (I Hope this helps).

What does it mean when a girl always talks to you and and makes fun of you?

Its kinda obvious.. Im a girl myself... She EITHER likes you, is in love with you, she just wants to do that for nothing or she's friends with you. Good luck with her

What if a girl smells bad and a boy makes fun of how you smell?

you dump him

What does aleyna mean?

aleyna is a name and it makes a pretty girl who loves to have fun and is kind but aleyna means alot of things

What does the name ellese mean?

a fun, nice girl that can get annoying sometimes but is fun to be around!

If a guy makes fun of you for no reason does that mean he likes you?


If you are a girl and you take a shower with another girl together and you kind of liked it does that mean then?

it doesnt mean anything your just having fun

If a boy makes fun of you a lot does that mean he likes you?

Not necessarily. Teasing can be a way for someone to get attention or assert power over another person. It's important to consider the context and also to communicate openly with the boy to understand his intentions.

If a girl makes fun of you does that mean she likes you?

She Makes Fun of You?Well, of course, everybody has their own way of showing affection. Making fun of you, if it does not depreciate you, might be a sign of affection. At least it shows interest. I do remember that my wife made fun of me when we first met. She thought that my W's betrayed my European heritage. Hope you're lucky and find as good a partner as I have. Anyhow, it's not a bad sign.

If someone you like ignores you but sometimes makes fun of you does it mean they like you?
