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shes avoiding you sweetie

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Q: A girl keeps staying away from you What is it mean?
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A girl in your class keeps gossiping and staying away from you as much as possible What does it mean?

It could mean that she really likes you and is playing the 'hard to get' kind of girl, or either she really honestly doesn't like you and is purposely avoiding you. i need more answers im sorry to forget ur answer but other people have different opinions so i need more answers

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What does keeping away the doctor mean?

it means staying healthy and not being sick :)

What does it mean when a girl keeps on talking to you?

it means that she wants to talk to you

What does it mean if a girl keeps asking you hypothetical questions?

they love you (unless your a girl they want to be your friend)

What does it mean a girl keeps touching a girl over and over again and puts her arm around you?

She likes you.

What does it mean when a girl just keeps quite after you told her you love her She nolonger answers your calls or reply your texts What does it mean?

Probally not sure how she feels or doesn't feel the same way.I would keep away and let her come to you.

What does it mean if a girl knows am in a relationship but she keeps talking to you?

that means that girl likes YOU and wants the girl your dating to get jelous and break up with you

What does docked mean Does it mean downloading?

in boating it can mean you have tyed up the rope that keeps the boat from driffting away

What does it mean when a girl keeps hitting a guys butt?

They probably like them!<3

What does it mean when a girl keeps asking if you are leaving when you aren't really leaving?

she hates you

What does it mean when a girl keeps making fun of you and hits you but in a joking way?

She likes you