No that's way over normal. Most fith graders are about 50-70 pounds
Its normal but if she is on fifth grade too.
Totally normal i have a friend in 7th grade that weighs 84lbs. I'm 84 pounds and i 6th grade so I think that's normal.
My son is 10 and a half, he only weighs 55 lbs, he's a skinny little runt, but the doctor says that's just his frame. He'll be fine
Well, you should NOT weight that much. The average weight for a SIXTH GRADE GIrL is almost 90 pounds, so if you are in fifth grade you should probably weigh less than sixth grader.
I am in fifth grade and need to gain wheight and I wheigh 71 pounds so no.
AnswerIt depends on how much the sixth grader weighs. The normal weight for a third grader is usually 40-60 pounds. If the third grader weighs more than that then talk to a doctor about putting he/she on a diet. Not so. My son is in 3rd grade and he weighs 70 lbs. He is muscular and has broad shoulders. He isn't AT ALL fat. Watch what advice you're giving about putting a child on a diet.
You are not considered fat at all if you weight 83 pounds in the 5th grade. This is actually thought of as a healthy weight for children of this age to weigh.
A skinny fifth grade boy should weigh about 65-80 pounds A standard sized fifth grade boy should weigh about 81-95 pounds A chubby fifth grade boy should weigh about 96-105 pounds
no it is overweight to be 100 pounds for girls 120 for boys under 70 is underweight
OK u are not that skinny because I'm in 5th grade and i weigh 60 pounds and i loose weight every school day because i have to work out
I'm ten years old and in fifth grade I weigh 120 pounds two of my friends weigh 150 and I'm still worried about my weight. I excercise daily and eat like a normal person someone help.PS I'm 5 ft tall.